Saturday 13 November 2010


I enjoy creating buildings and landscapes using 3D software. I've just started University and I’m studying computer games design. I hope this course (which ends in 2014) will help me gain the skills and qualifications I need so that I can go on to get a job in the computer games industry.

I am using this online portfolio so that I can post my work online to allow others to view my progress through University. I hope that I can receive comments about my work and hopefuly professional advice.

Technical skills

I have confidence when using a computer and most of its software, (Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Publisher, Adobe Flash, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator Autodesk 3ds Max, Mudbox, Zbrush and Unreal Development Kit). I can use the internet and E-mail and I have good typing skills.

Personal and social skills

I always try my best to understand and to do what is required of me.

I always listen to what people have to say so that I can gain a better understanding of a subject and come up with my own ideas and opinions; this also helps me participate in meetings when I sometimes struggle to give constructive ideas and opinions.

I can present information in visual forms when using presentation/poster software but I struggle when speaking out loud, this may be a confidence issue but I feel I am gaining the confidence throughout College and University. This is because I am meeting new people and I’m gaining experience with the presentations I am already doing for the course.