Group work - computer game idea

This module requires a group of us to design and create a computer game. Our first task was to think of three game concepts. To do this we decided to split into three different teams, this would allow us to work faster, we planned to meet at least once a week to present and discuss each of our concepts among the entire group. 

I was split into a group of two to design and work on a simple puzzle game; we needed at least one simple idea so that we had something to fall back on in case things went wrong.

Initial game idea:

We designed a puzzle game that had been inspired by the simple puzzle game Teris. Below is some of the notes and sketches we put down during the designing stage.

Blocks spawn from a central nozzle – blocks are curved to match the shape of the stage – blocks grow in size as they approach outer edges of stage, (this is important because they need to watch a circular grid).
Bonus blocks – special blocks – combos – extra points
Objective is to gain as many points as possible; this is done by surviving as long as possible.
Points are gained by destroying blocks – blocks can be destroyed by creating a full 360 degree circle of single blocks, this ring of single blocks will disappear when completed, which creates points. 

 I began designing ideas for special blocks, (e.g. extra points, invisible blocks, slow motion blocks, etc).

I also designed some ‘event blocks’, (e.g. blocks which clear the whole stage, blocks which spin the stage, etc).

(All these special blocks will be activated by using a laser cannon).

I decided to attach a laser cannon onto the block spawn nozzle.

I drew some concept deigns for all these ideas.

Styles: Rusty metal

Styles: Wooden

First 3D concept art render